BikeFinder Extradeler, reservedeler

Spare parts.

Keeps you on track.

Spare parts.

BikeFinder Ekstra USB Cover (Gen 1 tracker)

Extra USB cover (G1 tracker)

1.90 €

Extra USB cover if you’ve lost yours. It is easily attached to the end of the tracking device

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BikeFinder Ekstra ekspansjonsmekanisme

Expansion mechanism

14.90 €

Additional expansion mechanism (if yours is broken). Mounted with the BikeFinder tool

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BikeFinder Dummy bar end

Dummy Bar End

13.00 €

Hide the tracking device by mounting a Dummy Bar End on the opposite side of the handlebar. This way, both handlebar ends look identical, and the tracking device remains invisible.

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BikeFinder Tracker Dummy Bar End
Dummy Bar End 
Price: 13,90 
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