Is Your Bike Actually Safe at Home?
Why your basement, garage, or shed might be the riskiest place for your bike
Many cyclists believe that once they lock their bike in their basement, garage or shed, it’s safe from theft. After all, home should be the one place where your belongings are secure, right? Unfortunately, this false sense of security is what thieves rely on. The reality is that bikes are frequently stolen from the immediate vicinity of the owner’s home and criminals are becoming more skilled at bypassing locks and security measures with alarming efficiency. Experienced thieves can break into standard home storage areas in less than 30 seconds, using nothing more than bolt cutters, pry bars, or even brute force.
The startling truth about bike theft at home
Recent data indicates that 59% of bike thefts occur in residential areas, underscoring that homes are not the sanctuaries many believe them to be (bikeindex).
A study published in Findings revealed that the most common location for bicycle theft was inside a shed or garage, accounting for 28% of reported incidents. Notably, 66% of these thefts involved bikes that were left unlocked, and 57% occurred at night, under the cover of darkness. Furthermore, periods when homeowners are likely to be away or less vigilant, like weekends and holidays, provide opportunities for thieves to act without immediate detection.
“At BikeFinder, we combat bike theft daily, with nearly 70% of our customers having their bikes stolen straight from their homes.”
– Lise Bull-Gjersten, BikeFinder Operations Manager
How thieves exploit common weaknesses in home storage
Thieves are becoming more adept at bypassing security. Here are some common methods thieves use:
- Predictable storage habits: thieves watch for patterns. If you always store your bike in the same place, they know exactly where to strike when you’re not home or during the night.
- Exploiting structural weaknesses: garages and sheds without robust locks or security systems are easy targets. Wooden sheds and garage doors are often vulnerable to being pried open with crowbars. Some thieves even remove door panels or unscrew hinges. Windows without reinforced glass or locks also provide easy entry points.
- Lack of surveillance & alarm systems: storage areas without security cameras, motion sensors or alarms make it easier for thieves to operate unnoticed. They target locations with poor lighting, where no one is watching and escape routes are easy. Dimly lit garages, sheds and backyards provide the perfect cover for thieves.
- Picking door locks: skilled and organized thieves can manipulate standard locks, especially those of lower quality, to gain access without leaving obvious signs of forced entry.
- Cutting bike locks: some thieves use advanced tools like bolt cutters, hacksaws or angle grinders to sever bike locks.
- False sense of security in private spaces: taking advantage of unlocked or poorly secured bikes, especially those left unattended for short periods on private property, where owners assume they are safe because it’s private property.
Don’t be the next victim
The sad reality is that your bike is never 100% safe, especially not at home. The best thing you can do is assume that thieves are always looking for opportunities and take proactive steps to outsmart bike owners.
- Secure storage areas: restrict access to storage areas. Ensure that garages, sheds, basements and other storage spaces are equipped with sturdy locks. Regularly inspect doors, locks, and windows for weak spots.
- Increase security measures: whenever possible, enhance security with alarm systems and surveillance cameras.
- Lock your bike indoors: even when stored inside, lock your bike to an immovable object or install wall or floor anchors for added security. Lock the frame and wheels to a solid object.
- Use high-quality locks: invest in robust locks with a high-security rating. It won’t deter fully equipped thieves, but the opportunistic ones.
- Use a tracker on your bike: in case all these measures are surpassed, only a tracker can help you recover your bike.

Did you know that if your bike is stolen from e.g. your shed, garage or garden, it may not be covered by your home insurance? Stay tuned for an upcoming post where we’ll dive deeper into what to look out for and how to choose the right bike insurance.