The Midnight Chase: A Stolen Bike’s Hidden Trail

How Terry’s bike was taken right in front of him

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Imagine someone riding away with your bike right in front of you at McDonald’s while you’re standing right next to it. That’s exactly what happened to Terry in Liverpool. Find out how he managed to get his bike back in the dead of night.

This is Terry’s story:

“I was at McDonald’s restaurant and stood next to my bike (giant e stance+2) when a male wearing a hood and face mask literally jumped on it and rode away. Luckily enough my friend lives close by so we got in his car and tracked the bike with the BikeFinder app on high-security tracking mode. It took me to a remote location approximately 1.5 miles away and I found myself in a sort of railway wooded footpath area in darkness. I began searching the wooded area as my location was on top of my bike’s location. I then walked down the pathway further to another path which backed up on itself. Then I saw a bridge adjacent to where I was initially standing and I found the bike hidden to the side of this bridge.

Bicycle Stolen outside McDonalds, Recovered using BikeFinder Advanced tracker
Terry’s bike was stolen as he was standing right next to it. With the BikeFinder tracker he was able to locate and retrieve it quickly.

The end cap of the tracker had been removed so I can only assume the thief took it there and checked for a tracker before realising it had one. It seems like he couldn’t remove it and fled.

The tracker was pretty spot on as I didn’t realise there was another path adjacent to where I was standing. In total it took me approx 30 mins to locate my bike in the dark.

I was very relieved but also quite angry as the police didn’t seem to take it to seriously. They most likely have lots of bike thefts every day.

I would definitely recommend BikeFinder based on this experience.”

“The tracker was pretty spot on. In total it took me approx 30 minutes to locate my bike in the dark”

– Terry, BikeFinder User

A note from the BikeFinder team

We’re thrilled that Terry was able to recover his bike and see how effective BikeFinder is as a deterrent. Even when thieves try to check for a tracker, they’re left empty-handed, unable to remove it, and forced to abandon the bike.

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