Top 5 Tips for Bike to Work Beginner
Bike commuting is possible – even if you’re not an avid cyclist. But it can feel overwhelming to start. There’s a lot to think about – gear, how long it will take, etc. Sometimes it takes easing into. We hope our beginner tips can inspire you to pedal to work.
Tips 1: Start small
Powering through an entire workweek of commuting can make you feel awesome. And then Sunday evening rolls around. You don’t want to bike. You’re burned out. On Monday morning, the covers pull themselves over your head at the thought of bike helmets and practical footwear. Four wheels pull into the garage, instead of two. This goes on for several weeks.
Sound familiar? You may feel frustrated for not pursuing your biking habit, but there’s a solution: commit to biking to work just one day a week. Wednesdays, for example, could be your designated “Bike to Work Day”. After a month, add Fridays. After six weeks, add Tuesday. After a few more weeks, add Thursday. Finally, add the dreaded Monday. Like any habit – slow & steady wins.
Tips 2: Bike Route Dress Rehearsal
Weekday mornings are hectic. You’re worried that biking to work will make you late or stressed out. After all, you’ve never done it before.
Enter the “Bike Route Dress Rehearsal”. Take the kids, take your best friend, and spend your Sunday morning biking to your workplace. Once you’ve found a route you enjoy, stop and get a cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin, because you deserve it.
Don’t forget about parking. Figure out where you’ll park your bike. Will it be street parking? A garage?
“Make sure you know how you’ll secure your bike. It should be able to stay parked for 8 hours, while you’re being fabulous at work. Stress-free bike parking will keep your cycling habit going.”
Find a spot that you feel comfortable with, practice with your bike lock, and BikeFinder. Take all the guesswork out of the commute, so you feel ready to bike during the weekday rush.
Let’s face it – it’s easier to bike when you enjoy the route. If you don’t love biking around cars, try finding a route that uses more bike paths. No showers at work? Spend some time mapping out a route with fewer hills. You’ll arrive fresher, at the expense of some cardio.
Make it a weekend outing, find a route that suits you, and practice parking. We guarantee it will help you get the ball rolling when switching to bike commuting.
Tips 3: Invest in a Few Parts & Smart Clothing
You don’t need anything fancy – just some basic cycling gear to keep you warm and/or dry is fine. Our BikeFinder HQs are based in chilly Stavanger, Norway. So, layering is key for us. Mudguards and fenders are also great for those rainy and muddy fall mornings. Talk to your bike shop about the basics and what you’re willing to spend. Keep it simple.
Tips 4: Keep a Cycling Kit at Work
Is helmet hair getting you down? Create a Cycling Kit. This is a game-changer. Most bike commuters have a change of clothes at work (as well as a hairbrush). This is probably enough for those with showers at work. But if your office doesn’t have a shower, then add baby wipes and dry shampoo. Your colleagues will thank you.
Tips 5: Recruit a Friend
Things are better in tandem. Maybe don’t roll into your job on an actual tandem bike, but recruiting a friend or colleague to join you on your morning commute keeps you accountable and ensures you have a good time. Find a convenient meeting spot and ride the rest of the way together.
That’s a Wrap!
Let’s face it – biking is fun. So, the more fun you have when cycling to work, the more you’ll do it. Don’t make it a chore.