What do the different LED-lights mean?
Green LED-light
The tracker is sending positions to the BikeFinder server.
If you are charging, a green light indicates that the battery has been fully charged.
Despite the green LED-light, we advise you to charge the tracker for a minimum of 2,5-3 hours every time it needs being recharged.
Blue/white LED-light
Your tracker is searching for a GPS-position.
Red, constant LED-light
While charging, this indicates that the battery is charging.
Red, green and blue lights blinking constantly
Error indication that either means your tracker is not online, or that it is missing a subscription paired to it.
➣ How to get started
No LED-light
If your tracker is sleeping, the LED-light indication should turn on again next time it is being moved. This also depends on which mode the tracker is put in. Read more about tracker modes here.
Normally a position update after a movement detection would look like this…
Green light: sending GSM/data to server
Blue/white: searching for GPS, staying on for some time depending on the GPS availability in the area
Green light: sending the GPS/data to server
Red light (ignore this one)
You can verify wether or not the tracker is complety offline by looking at the Bluetooth connection in the BikeFinder application.
BikeFinder Support [email protected] Whatsapp: +47 468 64 863
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