Firmware Update
Before getting started…
• Your tracker must be charged (min. 40%) before going through with a firmware update
• You must have the latest software version of the application
• Your tracker needs to be as close as possible to your phone
• You need to be in a spot with good reception
How to update to the latest firmware?
1. Turn Bluetooth on in your phone’s settings
2. Open the BikeFinder application and select your tracker
3. Select the Bluetooth-icon, and you will get an option saying ‘’Update tracker firmware’’

Do you have issues connecting to your tracker to bluetooth?
1. Put your tracker to charge, and check that it indicates charging (read about LED-lights here)
2. Remove the charging cable when the tracker indicates a red charging indicator LED-light
3. Plug in your charging cable one more time, so that it is forced to ‘’Wake up’’
4. You may now proceed with the firmware-update procedure again
Do you struggle updating your tracker’s firmware, regardless of BLE-connection?
1. Remove the charging cable from the tracker, if it’s still connected
2. Navigate to the BikeFinder app, while being close enough to the tracker
3. Navigate to the Bluetooth menu
4. Turn off the tracker – wait until the tracker’s BLE signal disappears from the app, before next step
5. Start your device again, while you have the charger connected, and remove the cable after 10 seconds
6. Make sure your tracker BLE signals are still OK (make sure BLE is ON in phone’s settings)
7. Try to update tracker’s firmware again
Update still unsuccessful?
Worst case scenario, it might be the specific phone that is preventing the possibility to update the tracker’s firmware. If the steps from the previous sections did not work, we kindly ask you to…
1. Check that your phone is up to date before trying to update tracker’s firmware again.
2. Try go through with the update from another phone, just to make sure that this is not caused by the tracker itself. If the problem updating is caused by your tracker, we will look into replacing it.
➣ Warranty policy
• Note that it won’t be favorable, nor any point in replacing your tracker if the problem lies elsewhere. If the problem lies elsewhere, the problem will most definitely repeat itself on an alternative tracker.
• As a reassurance for the troubles, a new firmware update will not occur often.
• When new firmware updates occur, you’ll be notified in the Bikefinder app.
BikeFinder Support [email protected]
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